Decreto Por El Que Se Otorgan Estímulos Fiscales Para Apoyar La Estrategia Nacional Denominada “Plan México”, Para Fomentar Nuevas Inversiones, Incentivar Programas De Capacitación Dual E Impulsar La Innovación
Ciudad de México, enero de 2025 El pasado 21 de enero de 2025, se publicó en el Diario Oficial de la Federación un decreto emitido por la presidenta de la
Decree To Regulate Temporary Lodging Offered Through Digital Platforms
In order to regulate temporary lodging
offered through digital platforms such as
Airbnb, regulate the vacation rental market
and mitigate unfair competition
Amendment to the Civil Code for the FederalDistrict and Mexico City´s Housing Law relatedto rental housing
On January 29, 2024, certain amendments became effective to the Civil Code for the Federal District (“Code”) and Mexico City’s Housing Law (“Housing Law”),
Tax Incentives For Key Sectors Of The Export Industry
Ciudad de México, a 13 de octubre de 2023 El pasado 11 de octubre de 2023, la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público publicó en el Diario Oficial de la
Santa Fe Real Estate Controversy
Controversy over certain Properties in the Santa Fe area, in Mexico City Mexico City, as of September 22, 2022 Since last September 12
Regulation of Real Estate Operations and Services in the State of Mexico
Agreement to Start Emergency Due to Drought in Cuencas for the year 2022 On July 12, 2022, the
Regulation of Real Estate Operations and Services in the State of Mexico
On May 2, 2022 the Regulations of Book Nineteen of the Administrative Code of the State of Mexico (the “Regulations”)
Economic Reactivation Plan 2022-2024
On March 17, 2022, the Economic Reactivation Plan for Mexico City 2022-2024 (the “Reactivation Plan”) was published on the official website of the Urban Development and Housing Ministry of Mexico City (“SEDUVI”)
Supreme Court Ruling Against Various Provisions of the Mexican Law on Asset Forfeiture
On January 6, 2022, the ruling on theUnconstitutionality Action 100/2019, filed onSeptember 9, 2019 by the National Human Rights Commission against various provisions of theNational Law on Asset Forfeiture
National Law On Asset Forfeiture 2021
Last June 2021, the Supreme Court of Justice (the “SCJN”) carried out the study of the Action of Unconstitutionality
Bill To Reform The Urban Development Law And Civil Code For Mexico City On Construction And Residential Pre-Sales
On November 10, 2020 a bill was introduced to the Mexico City Congress seeking to amend and add a paragraph to article 93 of the Urban Development Law
COVID19 Reform to the Civil Code of Chihuahua for Leases
The Decree establishes amendments to the provisions of the CCC regarding leases in the event of a major epidemic or sanitary contingency (the "Contingency")
COVID19 Reforms To The Civil Code of Nuevo Leon For Retail Leases
On October 2, 2020, Decrees 357 and 358 were published in the Official Gazette for the State of Nuevo León, which amended articles 2005 and 2326 of the Civil Code
Ministry Of Finance Presents New COVID19 Credit Restructuring Program
The regulatory ease intends to promote loan restructuring so that financial institutions can adjust payment schedules to the new economic reality of the borrowers
Legal Reform On Urban Development In Mexico City
On July 22, 2020, the Decree amending the Regulations for the Urban Development Law of Mexico City
Constitutional Law on Human Rights for Mexico City
Impact on real estate evictions as a result of the reform to the Constitutional Law on Human Rights for Mexico City
National Law on Asset Forfeiture
On August 9, 2019, the National Law on Asset Forfeiture (the "Law"), was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation
Operation Rules for the Public Registry of Water Rights
On July 23, 2020, the preliminary draft of the Operation Rules for the Public Registry of Water Rights, prepared by the National Water